Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Big Brother Sucks!

So, I was thinking about doing a near future campaign with the players taking on the role of runners of the shadows (see what I did there?). One of the things I'd considered was the PCs getting past the multitude of security cameras that constantly watch us every day and that they would need to take this into consideration. That made me think about how far we had come in the age of surveillance and the different ways the PCs could be filmed; street cameras, shop cameras, ATM cameras and even home video cameras.

Then some friends found this on Google and emailed it to me.

That's me, walking to work one morning of last year and unknowingly having my picture taken by Google Earth. My players won't have a chance in the modern world, let alone a near future one.


  1. You're not at all how I imagined you. I expected you had more, well, facial features. When did you have your smoothing operation?

  2. Only recently - you can thank Crimewatch for that.

  3. Guess this debunks the rumour that you're a vampire...

  4. No, that's true - it was really cloudy.

  5. But you're showing up on camera!

  6. he is all what your thinking and more...although a little bit smaller..he is actually a midget.

    i reckon that has been air-brushed.

  7. Of course I'm on camera - I'm of the Teen Angst Narcissist Clan.

    A midget?!? How dare you... unless midgets are six foot two, I resent that comment!

  8. Oh that lot. My wife has just watched Twiglet..or whatever it's called, and now it's Edward this and Bella that and...oh, pass the garlic!

  9. ahem..vertically challenged actually jon you size facist. Try being the height of a munchkins armpit every now and then!
