Friday, 7 March 2025

OUT NOW! DEEP DUNGEONS DD1 - The Tower of Leorik the Bold


DEEP DUNGEONS DD1 - The Tower of Leorik the Bold
An OD&D adventure


The Tower of Leorik the Bold has long been abandoned; since his fall fighting the forces of the Five Masters of the Great Wyrm in the north followed by his long lingering death, the tower on the highest rocks in the region has been left to fall into disrepair. The grief felt by the local towns and villages of the loss of such a great hero was deep. A generation later and his name and exploits are still revered.

The stories of Leorik’s great wealth and his magical greatsword, ‘Wyrmcrusher’, became a local legend and there are always visitors talking of going into the tower to see if the rumours are true. However, the respect the locals have for Leorik’s memory stops adventurers from even approaching and the tower’s protector, Elsma the elf, makes sure it stays that way.

Recently, a light was seen in the highest window of the tower and this made the locals anxious; had someone got inside the tower, and were they even now ransacking the riches – and the memory – of the great warrior? Won’t somebody do something?

In walk the players.

This game was designed with the ‘White Box Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game’ by Seattle Hill Games in mind, but it can easily be adjusted and scaled to suit your chosen D20 fantasy roleplaying game.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

ON SALE - Cyber Streets: Rules Light Future Noir Roleplaying

ON SALE - Cyber Streets: Rules Light Future Noir Roleplaying

A rules-light #rpg of story and narrative, so groups can focus more on the game and less on the rules allowing for flowing stories that won’t be stalled too much by rulings, tables and charts.
Cyber Streets is a traditional pen-and-paper tabletop roleplaying game designed for a gamemaster and any number of players. It is designed with the future dystopian city nightmare in mind, with dark rain-soaked streets, corporate espionage and dangerous gangs. All soaked in neon, lit by holographic advertisements a hundred feet tall, with lights and laser shows inviting the downtrodden citizens of the Capital into the comforting arms of unfettered capitalism.

Players take on the roles of investigators of the Capital Police Department, Street Detective Teams, groups of cops working for an organisation with an almost unfortunate acronym. Funded by the corporations yet expected to bring law to everyone equally, it never quite turns out that way and limits will be crossed, morals bent and the line between justice and business will blur. Can the players keep their heads in a world where everyone has lost theirs to WorldNet?

Saturday, 18 January 2025

ON SALE! Official adventures for the THOSE DARK PLACES RPG


All four official adventures for the 'Those Dark Places' RPG are now on sale, as well as the supplement 'Cosmic Quest'!

Compatible with the sequel RPG 'Pressure'.

Sunday, 5 January 2025


 It's time for a New Year Sale from Farsight Games!

All High5 System products are now on sale. All through January these titles will be reduced, and the FIRETEAM has a CC licence!



- Simple character creation and progress, with just a few minutes for a full combat team to get statted and ready, and more than suitable for one-shots and campaigns.

- Fast, easily modded rules that can be used with most science fiction setting, including rules for vehicles and starships; in fact, the character creation and rules are only 8 pages long, so you can get straight into the action in one sitting! 

- A single-page setting to get you started, and five adventures that fill out the galaxy and cover everything from tactical strikes, secret missions and assaults, to starship battles, boarding actions and all-out war!    

- Can be used as 'Theatre of the Mind' or on a grid battlemat, so you can use your favourite minis.

- Easily adaptable to your favourite military science fiction setting, with lots of room for new rules, stats and expansion.


SITREP – Harris Research Station on the moon Prague Six has sent out an emergency distress call. It is a standard beacon with no other information. Harris Research Base is a medical facility specialising in battlefield medicine. The aim is for soldiers to be able to inject a compound into their body where the organ or limb is damaged beyond repair, and have it grow back in a matter of hours. Other than that we have no information as its a closed secure facility.

MISSION – Enter the research station, ascertain the situation and report. A fully equipped follow-up vessel will arrive within 24 hours of your arrival.


Two Operations for 'FIRETEAM - Rules Light Military Science Fiction Roleplaying Game', includes:

- New weapons; Combat shotgun, Explosives, Rocket launcher, Mortar, Smoke grenade and Sniper rifle.

- New equipment; The LOIS (Low Orbit Insertion Suit), TORTOISE armour, Silencer and Jumping Jacks! 

- 5 new specialist roles; Sniper, Covert, Sapper, Fire Support and Observer.

- Optional High4 rules for faster action!

- Rules for War-mechs, inclduing two example war machines to get you started!

We have a one-way ticket to sh*tsville and you’re in first class. Suit up and get to briefing stat. Don’t stand there staring at me, move move move!


Cyber Streets is a traditional pen-and-paper tabletop roleplaying game designed for a gamemaster and any number of players. It is designed with the future dystopian city nightmare in mind, with dark rain-soaked streets, corporate espionage and dangerous gangs. All soaked in neon, lit by holographic advertisements a hundred feet tall, with lights and laser shows inviting the downtrodden citizens of the Capital into the comforting arms of unfettered capitalism.

Players take on the roles of investigators of the Capital Police Department, Street Detective Teams, groups of cops working for an organisation with an almost unfortunate acronym. Funded by the corporations yet expected to bring law to everyone equally, it never quite turns out that way and limits will be crossed, morals bent and the line between justice and business will blur. Can the players keep their heads in a world where everyone has lost theirs to WorldNet?

Tuesday, 3 December 2024




The United Stellar Nations of Earth is the governing body of the Sol System, the cradle of mankind, and the centre of control for Earth and it’s territories. Once an international organisation to help keep the peace on a war-torn world, it has evolved and become a nation of it’s own. After the Stellar War, the United Stellar Nations (USN) took control of Earth as a whole in an attempt to keep the fighting to the stars so as not to annihilate the homeworld of the human race.

The USN still promotes the guiding principles of their predecessor, the United Nations of Earth, across all of it’s 32 member star systems and has modified it’s charter to include all new settlements beyond the Sol System....

DEEP SPACE SOURCEBOOK #6 - THE UNITED STELLAR NATIONS is a 2-page book providing information and stats for the nation including structure, military forces, and starships.


Sunday, 24 November 2024

How I created distressed old sci-fi novel covers for my DEEP SPACE TTRPG

I was asked how I create distressed old sci-fi novel covers for my DEEP SPACE TTRPG so here's a guide for my fellow indie creators!
After deciding on the fonts I want I build the cover using LibreOffice Writer which is basically a free version of basic MS Word. I choose to build that way because I want to emulate similar restrictions that typesetters had when creating covers of the time, so I have to be creative with the layout of the lettering and how the image in the background fits.
I then source the images from wherever I can find free images, and there's plenty to choose from.
After making sure the image site is reputable, the image isn't AI and doing a final search to make sure that the image hadn't been lifted from anywhere, I crop it to size and put in the background.
Once I'm happy with it I snip the final picture and save it as an image file. Then I open MSPaint and copy it in. Nothing fancy, just basic MSPaint. It's here I want to add some lines to make the book look creased so I draw white lines at the corners, add some to the edges to make it look a bit torn and even draw it down the spine to look used.
Then I save and open an online tool to help distress the book called iPiccy. This gives me the ability to add layers of grunge, lighting effects and paper styles, and as a bonus the white of the lines I drew are then browned and look even more worn. Once finished, I can then download the image at it's highest resolution and that's it.
The whole process from deciding fonts, images and layout to final cover can take 2-3 hours. There's always some tweaking going on from font colour and shading to colour correction to image manipulation, but once the initial layout is done on LibreOffice the rest of the process is straightforward.
And that's it. That's how I create my Deep Space covers. It's a bit of work but there are no costs at all and it's a simple case of being creative with what you have.

Links below to my sources:
I've done what due diligence I can and these sites are as legit as I can find but I always check the images I use to be on the safe side and credit where credit is due.
I never use AI or any kind of AI text, mainly because I'm a human being with a soul and morals, and I buy stock art where I can afford it.
I'm working on an expanded print version of Deep Space next year and it will have paid artists involved (I've already snagged an awesome cover artist), but this way costs nothing and with a bit of work and imagination yields great results.
Hope this helps, fellow indie creators!

Saturday, 16 November 2024


As the Cold War went on and dozens of star systems found themselves being handed around like playing pieces, a few members of different nations realised that the old ways were going to tear the human race apart – even out here amongst the stars – and that a new way of governing the people was required. Long gone were the days of controlling dozens of worlds from a central seat, they thought; what we need is a way for worlds to take care of their own affairs and yet still defer to a central body that ruled for the benefit of all the member systems, and not just those who had the most power or resources.

These few politicians began a movement that took almost a decade to come to fruition, and before the nations realised it eight stars systems situated quite close to each other had split from their parent governments and declared themselves The Coalition...

DEEP SPACE SOURCEBOOK #5 - THE COALITION is a 2-page book providing information and stats for the nation including military forces, starships, the government system, the star systems, and the trouble they cause for other nations and themselves...


Thursday, 31 October 2024




WORLD OF WINTER is a campaign setting for the DEEP MAGIC #TTRPG, a fantasy British Isles that never was – or is long forgotten - where magic exists and fabulous creatures abound.

Can the characters rekindle the flame of hope?

Wednesday, 11 September 2024




The Explorers are a few hours into a journey across the Capital States but the captain has decided to take a shortcut through uncharted international space to avoid a travel tax.

The starship – a 120-meter passenger vessel called the Chase - is a privately owned passenger transport that travels the Capital States spaceways but the captain, Larson, has fallen on hard times and to save money he’s plotted a jump outside the lanes and across uncharted space. This has saved him thousands on taxes.

He's done this plenty of times. No problem at all.


Saturday, 3 August 2024

ALIEN RPG – Second Edition and Rapture Protocol

Okay, so this has been announced and I'm thrilled to say that I co-wrote the new cinematic adventure 'Rapture Protocol'.

It's been my pleasure and privilege to work wthin my favourite franchise in my favourite hobby, and I'm excited to see it let loose!

In Space, Everyone Will Hear You Scream For Joy For The Second Edition Of The ALIEN RPG

Free League’s Kickstarter this Fall will debut a new wave of 2e releases, including new core rules, starter set, cinematic scenario set, and miniatures line
For five glorious years, Free League Publishing and 20th Century Studios have explored the ultimate reaches of the ALIEN universe. In celebration of the critically acclaimed ALIEN RPG’s 5th anniversary in 2024, Free League proudly announced their plans to unleash a Second Edition of the multiple award-winning game rules across an expansive new line of rulebooks, starter sets, cinematics, and accessories. The stress fest begins with bug hunts aplenty through an epic Kickstarter launching this Fall. 

Free League has revealed their core line-up for the upcoming Kickstarter, with more details coming soon:
  • Based upon feedback from thousands of players over five years of adventures, the Second Edition of the core rules delivers an updated and streamlined version of the ALIEN RPG fans know and love, along with additional new artwork, new content, and a variety of new tools for players and Game Mothers alike, all fully compatible with previous releases and game material. 
  • The new 2e starter set will be redesigned as the perfect starting point for newcomers to roleplaying in the ALIEN universe, containing everything they need for game night including abridged 2e rules, character sheets, custom dice, reference cards, various handouts, and an expanded 2e edition of the fan-favorite Hope’s Last Day scenario set on Hadley’s Hope just prior to the unforgettable events of Aliens
  • The new cinematic scenario boxed set, Rapture Protocol, written by Jonathan Hicks and Free League's Tomas Härenstam, returns to the roots of the ALIEN franchise, featuring the crew of a small star freighter on a resupply run to the remote industrial colony, soon embroiled in a deadly conflict. 
  • The miniatures set is designed to bring the events of Rapture Protocol to life, but fully complement other adventures and skirmish battles throughout the ALIEN RPG series. 
Sign up today to follow the upcoming Kickstarter, look out for more news across Free League’s social channels, and then get ready for a whole new chapter of sprawling, stress-inducing, blood-curdling ALIEN RPG adventures for years to come. We can’t lie to you about your chances, but you have our sympathies.