SITREP – Over the last week, forces of the Gene League Separatists have crossed the border and landed an occupation force. Local forces and orbital defences were overwhelmed in a matter of hours and the GLS have quickly overrun all locations and burned the capital city to the ground, forcing refugees into the mountains. How they managed to cross the border undetected by several listening posts and get past the defences of a heavily guarded world is still under investigation.
At this time, the Second and Fourth Fleets are moving to engage the enemy and land a liberation force. They will be joined by the full might of the Combine Navy in this sector in six days, once the fleets are mobilised.
Why the GLS have chosen now to to attack Newgrave is of great concern; they are either desperate for resources – which seems the most likely, considering that the worlds of the GLS are not rich – or this is the first move in a much larger operation.
Two Operations for 'FIRETEAM - Rules Light Military Science Fiction Roleplaying Game', includes:
- New weapons; Combat shotgun, Explosives, Rocket launcher, Mortar, Smoke grenade and Sniper rifle.
- New equipment; The LOIS (Low Orbit Insertion Suit), TORTOISE armour, Silencer and Jumping Jacks!
- 5 new specialist roles; Sniper, Covert, Sapper, Fire Support and Observer.
- Optional High4 rules for faster action!
- Rules for War-mechs, inclduing two example war machines to get you started!
We have a one-way ticket to sh*tsville and you’re in first class. Suit up and get to briefing stat. Don’t stand there staring at me, move move move!