Okay, so... I'm extremely excited about this. I have a favourite film in the whole wide world and that movie is ALIEN, and the thought of gaming in that world is exciting.
I did try through other games and even had a copy of the ALIENS Adventure Game which I didn't get on with at all, but the quality of Fria Ligan's work is excellent and I'm finding it hard to imagine the game in anyone else's hands, especially after their amazing work on Coriolis and the visuals and atmosphere that evoked.
I'd play this in the vein of the original movie; I love ALIENS and some of the material that came after, but changing the movie style from a Lovecraftian horror to an action packed thriller/gorefest was interesting but diluted the original film, and I prefer the stark horror of the original.
I'm really excited. Like, really really excited.

I'm going to be talking about the ALIEN RPG a lot. I know I've pretty much 'retired' from interviewing RPG peeps, but I've spoken to the great guys at Fria Ligan before and I really want to do it again. However, I know the limitations of talking about licences so I'm not sure what they'll be able to tell me.

What I want to do is talk more about what I intend to do with this game. There is SO MUCH I want to do, and only ten percent of it has actual aliens in it. Exploration, treachery, company problems, industrial espionage, investigation, on-ship melodrama, the sheer danger of deep space work. And then alien killing machines.
This is an amazing coming together of three things I love - roleplaying games, ALIEN and Fria Ligan. I can't wait.
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