Submission Deadline:
April 30th, 2014 23:59 UTC (aka Wednesday evening before midnight Greenwich England time)
Way back in the blog scene of 2008, there was quite a bit of discussion about what is the best way to present a dungeon. Old adventure modules from the 70s were examined for inspiration and then new ideas were introduced to attempt to convey as much information about a dungeon as quickly as possible without overwhelming the reader. Out of the discussion, the "One Page Dungeon" format evolved.
A noted writer on the Critical Hits website (ChattyDM) picked up on the "One Page" discussions and spearheaded the idea of running a contest to get the community involved. Enlisting some of the principal players of the evolution of the format (Sham and ChgoWz) , the first contest was organized in 2009
For the next 4 years, one of the judges from the original 2009 contest (Alex Schroeder) diligently took up the mantle of coordinating the contest. Thanks to his dedication the contest was held for the next 4 years; 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. There have been over 350 entries combined after five years of contests, covering a versatile range of playstyles, settings and genres. Best of all, every entry is licensed under the Creative Common Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license for all to use.
Submission Guide:
Read about the history of the "One Page Dungeon" to get a feel for the concept.
The submission must be put under the "Creative Common Attribution-Share Alike 3.0" license.
Each submission must have a title, an author, and a link to the license (
The submission must fit on one side of one page of paper (US Letter or A4).
Remember that the judges may not know the exact game system you play, so a good strategy is to avoid using too many system specific stats.
Only one entry allowed per participant.
Submissions can be replaced/revised up until the submission deadline. Only the last revision will be considered as the official submission.
Submissions with extremely small font sizes will (most likely) score low with the judges.
Keep in mind that the submissions will be printed out on paper by some judges.
Submissions must be sent as a PDF to
The file size of the PDF should be under 6MB.
A link to a web page or blog article can be submitted along with the PDF and it will be posted to the contest page.
The deadline for submissions is April 30th 23:59 UTC
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