Friday, 29 January 2010

Star Wars Saga Edition Ends

Well, this certainly took me by surprise.

'There have been several questions lately regarding the future of the Star Wars Miniatures and Roleplaying Game and until now I haven’t had definitive answers to give you. After a lengthy evaluation, Wizards of the Coast has decided not to renew the Star Wars license with Lucasfilm. We’ve had a long and fantastic run, but with the economic downturn, we have made the tough decision to discontinue our Star Wars lines.
The license officially ends in May this year, with WotC product available through August. In the meantime, we have awesome new products still coming your way. This week, we released The Dark Times minis and Galaxy of Intrigue RPG. We’ll have more coming with Masters of the Force minis in April, which will have some of your most favorite characters along with rare creatures from the Dejarik Holochess game that have never appeared in our game. We’ll also release The Unknown Regions RPG in April, which includes entirely new planets and mini-adventures for each world.
We are finishing the line with a bang so look for special programs at your local game store to stock up on favorite sets before they go into the vault. We will continue to support our Star Wars forums on the Wizards Community site so you can reach out and chat with us and other fans.
While I know the news is disappointing, we wanted to make this announcement as soon as possible and thank you for being such great fans. It’s been a fantastic ride with the Star Wars community and working with Lucasfilm. We hope you enjoy the next several months of great products. You never know when we may circle back again!

Greg Yahn

Director of Marketing, Wizards of the Coast'

So, what happens with the license? Will it ever be picked up again? And if so, which system would work best for it?


  1. WoTC is owned by Hasbro and Hasbro has the rights to SW merchandise at the moment. Which includes the RPG. As the license is due to run for another 10 years or more, it's unlikely that anyone else will be able to make a Star Wars game.

  2. That's too bad. I thought that the "Star Wars: Saga Edition" was one of the better variations on the D20 Open Game License, streamlined and a good fit for George Lucas' ever-growing space opera universe. It didn't have the complexities of D&D3.5 or the power creep of D&D4e. I wouldn't mind seeing Paizo picking up the ball (and maintaining backward compatibility), as it has done with "Pathfinder." Green Ronin would be another good choice, given its track record with "Mutants & Masterminds" 2nd Ed. and the upcoming "Dragon Age."
